04. Väitöskirjat / Doctoral theses
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Browsing 04. Väitöskirjat / Doctoral theses by Issue Date
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Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1911-05-24) Hintikka, S. V. (Sulo Viljo) - Der formale Aufbau der Jahresvermögensbilanz
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1937) Nurmilahti, Vilho - The Judging of the Stability of Ships and the Determination of the Minimum Amount of Stability – Especially Considering the Vessels Navigating Finnish Waters
School of Engineering | G4 Monografiaväitöskirja(1939) Rahola, Jaakko - Realisointiperiaate ja käyttöomaisuuden poistot tuloslaskennassa
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1945) Saario, Martti - Vähittäismaksukaupan organisaatio ja rahoitus
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1948) Heino, Reino - Suomen kauppamerenkulku ja erityisesti linjaliikenteen osuus siinä
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1949) Pohjanpalo, Jorma - Suomen teollisuuden kustannusten rakenne v. 1944 ja sen kehityksen yleispiirteitä
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1949) Virtanen, Unto - Teollisuuden kertakustannukset. Niiden degressio sekä käsittely kustannuslaskennassa
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1951) Virkkunen, Henrik - Remburssi kansainvälisessä kaupassa
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1953) Pasanen, Jorma - Kulutustavaroiden jakeluteiden rakenne erityisesti tarkasteltuna niiden pituuteen vaikuttavien tekijöiden kannalta
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1955) Kaskimies, Mika - Koneen edullisin pitoaika ja investointilaskelmat. Taloudellinen tutkimus
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1955) Honko, Jaakko - Liikepankin likviditeettiongelma koko pankkijärjestelmää silmällä pitäen
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1959) Vaivio, Fedi - Komparatiivinen statiikka ja kilpailuprosessi
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1962) Paakkanen, Jouko - Optimal Financing and Tax Policy of the Corporation
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1966) Jääskeläinen, Veikko - Rahalaitosten käyttäytymisestä ja luottoekspansiosta yksinkertaisilla rahoitusmarkkinoilla
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1966) Lassila, Jaakko - The effect of tempering on the toughness of hardened steel
Kemian ja materiaalitieteiden tiedekunta | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1966) Pietikäinen, JuhaThe effect of tempering upon the toughness of hardened steel has been investigated. A steel having the nominal analysis: 0.35 % C, 1.5 % Si, 20 % Ni was chosen for this work. The analysis was mainly chosen with the objectives in mind that the Ms temperature should be low enough to ensure that no tempering will occur on quenching, and that the carbides produced on tempering might precipitate each within its own particular tempering temperature range. Test bars made of the investigated steel were austenitized and quenched in liquid nitrogen, with subsequent isothermal tempering at various temperatures in the range Tt = -110 to 450 °C. The structures of the heat-treated specimens were examined by x-rays and by electron microscopy, using both the replica and thin foil technique. Changes occurring in the structures during the tempering process were followed with the aid of a dilatometer. The principal part of the work consists of mechanical tests, for which a torsion testing machine was designed and built. The machine was so designed that the true stress vs. true strain diagram could be readily obtained with its aid. The experimental conditions, including speed of rotation (n) and testing temperature (Tk), were variable within wide limits. In the mechanical tests performed, the speed of rotation was varied within the range of n = 0.00135 to 640 r.p.m. The testing temperatures were: Tk = -110, +25 and +95 °C. The deformed structures were also examined by electron microscopy. - Vähittäiskaupan dimensioita selittävät muuttujat kuntatason keskuksissa
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1967) Särkisilta, Martti - Markkinointiin orientoitunut tuotannonsuunnittelu monituoteyrityksessä : informaatiotarpeeltaan erilaisen malliparin vertailu
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1968) Keloharju, Raimo - Yrityksen rahoitus, systematiikka ja mukauttamistavat
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1968) Artto, Eero - Tuotostavoitteiden operationaalisuus julkisessa hallinnossa
School of Business | Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(1969) Pitkänen, Eero