[comp] Perustieteiden korkeakoulu / SCI

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/76


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 55
  • Seminar on Internetworking, spring 2012 : recent developments in fixed and mobile Internet
    (2012) Tamrakar, Sandeep; Lukyanenko, Andrey; Nurminen, Jukka K.; Li, Ming; Di Francesco, Mario; Siekkinen, Matti; Komu, Miika; Nie, Pin; Luukkainen, Sakari; Looga, Vilen; Raivio, Yrjö; Ou, Zhonghong
    School of Science |
  • Trustworthy artificial intelligence for personalized healthcare decision making: development of open and safe measures, models and methods
    (2021) Lahti, Lauri
    School of Science | A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
    Our DIHEML research project develops open and safe measures, models and methods that can support personalized healthcare decision making with trustworthy artificial intelligence addressing carefully patient's rights and data privacy regulation. With our new methodology statistically significant rating differences of questionnaire answers can be linked to machine learning results thus enabling to develop better machine learning for well-personalized care.
  • Systeemiäly!
    (2003) Bäckström, Tom (toimittaja); Brummer, Ville (toimittaja); Kling, Terhi (toimittaja); Siitonen, Paula (toimittaja)
    School of Science | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
    Teoksessa esitellään ensimmäisen kerran Raimo P. Hämäläisen luoma uusi systeemiälyn käsite ja pohditaan sen ilmentymiä eri elävän elämän konteksteissa. Systeemiäly tarkoittaa älykästä toimintaa, joka hahmottaa vuorovaikutuksellisia takaisinkytkentojä sisältäviä kokonaisuuksia. Systeemialykäs henkilö huomioi luovasti ja tarkoituksenmukaisesti ympäristonsä, itsensä sekä vuorovaikutuskokonaisuuden, minkä nämä muodostavat. Hän osaa toimia siinä älykkäästi. uskomme, että systeemiäly on yksi inhimillisen toiminnallisen jarkevyyden peruskäsitteitä Sillä on luonnollisesti yhteytensä Peter Sengen ja muiden systeemiajattelun uranuurtajien oivalluksiin ja tuloksiin. Missa systeemiajattelu tarkastelee ja mallintaa vuorovaikutuksia ulkoapäin , siinä systeemiäly on toiminnallisessa tilanteessa ilmenevää aktiivista käytännöllistä järkeä. Uutta on systeemiälyn käsitteeseen sisältyvä toiminnallinen, henkilökohtainen ja elämänfilosofinen aines. Kirja ottaa ensimmäisä askeleita systeemiälyn käsiteen hahmottamisessa eri yhteyksissä.
  • Systeemiäly - Näkökulmia vuorovaikutukseen ja kokonaisuuksien hallintaan
    (2004) Hämäläinen, Raimo P. (toimittaja); Saarinen, Esa (toimittaja)
    School of Science | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
    Teoksen artikkeleissa pohditaan systeemiälyn näkökulmasta eri elämänalojen ilmiöitä ja haasteita. Aiheina mm. systeemiäly vastaan systeemidiktatuuri, työnohjaus, palkitseminen, sovittelu, opettaminen, systeemiälykäs opettaja, valmistavan luokan opettajan työ, erityislastentarhanopettajan työ, ympäristösuunnittelu, maailman vesikysymys, talouskriisi, hyvä elämä ja luopuminen, improvisointi, systeemiälykäs arki, parisuhde, sosiaalinen taidokkuus, eri älykkyyden muodot. Kirjan valotukset korostavat systeemiälyn käsitteen hyödyllisyyttä hyvin monilla nyky-yhteiskunnan ajankohtaisilla aloilla.
  • Systeemiäly 2005
    (2005) Hämäläinen, Raimo P. (toimittaja); Saarinen, Esa (toimittaja)
    School of Science | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
    Systeemiäly on näkökulma, joka tavoittelee teoreettisesti uutta ja rikastavaa valotusta inhimilliseen todellisuuteen – näkökulmaa, joka kuitenkin on intuitiivisesti tuttu, luonnollinen ja käytössä kaiken aikaa osana ihmisenä olemistamme. Olennaista systeemiälylle on nykyhetkisyys ja prosessuaalinen osallistuvuus erotuksena prosessin tarkkailu, intellektuaalinen reflektio tai käsitteellistävä objektivointi. Systeemiäly on toiminnallisessa tilantessa ilmenevää käytännön älykkyyttä, jossa tuntuma, taju ja kokonaisvaikutusten hahmotus ovat avainasemassa. Käsillä oleva neljäs systeemiälyteos jatkaa aikaisempien systeemiälykirjojen linjaa. Tavoitteena on jälleen esittää näkökulmia olennaisiin teemoihin, keskustelunavauksia ja sytykkeitä ja syventää siten systeemiälyä koskevaa ymmärrystämme. Teoksen artikkelit käsittelevät mm. seuraavia teemoja: Oma systeemiälyni, Suomen teollinen tulevaisuus, työyhteisöjen supertuottavuus, yritysostojen onnistuminen, roolit, systeemiälykkään toiminnan havainnointi, systeemiälykäs työ, ympäristötietoisuus, systeemiälykäs koulu, ekologinen rationaalisuus, huippu-urheilu, flow-virtaus, meemit, Pafoksen elämänfilosofia, hyvinvointi, parempi elämä, moraali ja oikeudenmukaisuus, ihmisenä oleminen.
  • Systeemiäly 2006
    (2006) Hämäläinen, Raimo P. (toimittaja); Saarinen, Esa (toimittaja)
    School of Science | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
    Systeemiälyviitekehys nousee useasta eri suunnasta. Siihen sisältyy monia keskeisiä yhtymäkohtia oman aikamme eräiden tärkeimpien älyllisten kehityssuuntausten kanssa. Kysymyksessä on synteettinen hanke, jonka pyrkimyksenä on yhdistää teoria ja käytäntö, tekeminen ja ajattelu, yksilö ja yhteisö, realiteetti ja mahdollisuus. Tavoitteena on osoittaa, avata ja rakentaa yhteyksiä sekä mahdollistaa inhimillinen kasvu. Relevantteja taustoja ovat erityisesti: Toimintatutkimus, Onnellisuustutkimus ja positiivinen psykologia, Positiivinen organisaatiotutkimus, Systeemiajattelu, Sokraattisen filosofian perinne, Kompleksisten järjestelmien tutkimus. Kirjan artikkeleissa tarkasteltavia teemoja ovat mm. systeemiälyn olemus, inhimilliset systeemit, vuorovaikutus, emootio-oppiminen, rajoitettu rationallisuus ja elämäntaito, muutos, aika, tuottavuus, positiiviset tunteet, vuorovaikutusten agenttimalli, palkitseminen, tutkimusympäristöt, luomistyö, rakennetu ympäristö, valmentaminen, valta, paha, onnellisuus, noste, parisuhde, inhimillisyys, serendipity, mahdollisuuksien maailma.
  • Systems Intelligence - Discovering a Hidden Competence in Human Action and Organizational Life
    (2004) Hämäläinen, Raimo P. (editor); Saarinen, Esa (editor)
    School of Science | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
    This volume contains working paper articles on a number of facets of Systems Intelligence. The topics represent the authors’ diverse backgrounds and orientations. We have wanted to approach the concept of Systems Intelligence in the Open Source – spirit, and have encouraged in our seminars and workshops students and scholars to use their own intuitions and experience for the benefit of identifying Systems Intelligence at work in various aspects of life. This methodology, unorthodox as it is academically, has led to fruitful perspectives and contributions, we think. Many of the authors will continue to work on their essays and publish them in academic journals in their own fields. We thank the contributors and hope the reader will find the essays collected here to be stimulating and rewarding. The essays collected here are intended to the view that Systems Intelligence is a highly intuitive and useful concept for the purposes of enriching one’s everyday conceptualizations and the actions based on those conceptualizations. Systems Intelligence, we hope, will prove useful as a theoretical concept and also in terms of its true applications in the reader’s personal life. We believe the reader will find Systems Intelligence a mirror that helps her to identify productive forms of actions one already follows intuitively.
  • Systems Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life
    (2007) Hämäläinen, Raimo P. (editor); Saarinen, Esa (editor)
    School of Science | D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja
    LEADERSHIP is a practical art, a complex applicative craft of the facilitation of forward-coming processes that unfold. It is skilfulness of dealing with wholes on the move, and amount to abilities of an individual at the pressures of the living now moment to bring about desired changes even in the presence of relative ignorance. Our starting point is the conviction that there is holistic, systemic ingenuity to human action and to human leadership action that should be met head-on. This calls for the description, analysis, and conceptualization of actual practices in a mode that takes for granted the intelligence of those practices even when that intelligence cannot be approached with conventional methods or in terms of explicit knowledge or strict objective rationalism. The Systems Intelligence perspective wants to bring back the human element of leadership - categories such as choice, subjectivity, experience and shared experience, instinct, sensitivity, inspiration, emotional energy and association, without dismissing the more traditional categories of control and prediction, analysis and calculation, and objectivity. We believe this book is a valuable source of insight for practitioners of leadership whether they are managers, business executives, public sector change agents or organization directors, educators, teachers, supervisors, team builders, parents, future-builders or commissioners of power positions large or small, in macro or micro context. Leadership is about people and it is about influence. It is about the future, it is about bringing about change with the resonance of a system. With a deepening self-understanding and alertness to her special condition and pragmatic skilfulness - her Systems Intelligence - the leader will be in a position to do even better something that is already doing well.
  • Systems Intelligence – A New Lens on Human Engagement and Action
    (2008) Hämäläinen, Raimo P. (editor); Saarinen, Esa (editor)
    School of Science | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
    The systems intelligence approach seeks a broadband effect across disciplines. It amounts to an extension of systems thinking and other objectivistic modes of thinking. It recognises the significance of the sensitivities-based, "soft", subjectivistic and first-person -related aspects of the human endowment as fundamental to the human systemic engagement with her environment. While rationalistic traditions of thought have often overlooked the significance of the realm of subjective sensibilities, the systems intelligence approach seeks to make use of them. It amounts to an art of life that combines the subjective and the objective in real time and in the midst of evolving processes and actions. When facing the gulf that separates the natural science and mathematics inspired objectivism from the humanities and the arts inspired approaches to human affairs, systems intelligence chooses integrity. In the current volume the systems intelligence perspective is brought to illuminate such phenomena as philosophy for managers, David Bohm's theory of thought, emotions and decisions, the sociological affect control theory, Alexander's view on architecture, homiletics, food, the profes­sional growth of a European champion figure skater, usability, infant research, facilitation mastery, and the intersubjective systems theory of Stolorow, Atwood and Orange.
  • Essays on Systems Intelligence
    (2010) Hämäläinen, Raimo P. (editor); Saarinen, Esa (editor)
    School of Science | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
    In the present volume the emphasis is on the foundational, conceptual, psychological as well as practice-oriented aspects of human intelligence. As is customary with systems intelligence, the essays represent a number of different methodologies, disciplines and topics of interest. In the opening essay, Esa Saarinen and Raimo P. Hämäläinen elaborate on systems intelligence as an original form of human intelligence paying particular attention to the origin of intelligence in the light of infant research. The paper argues for systems intelligence as an integrating framework which complements earlier work on human intelligence. In his three essays, John Rauthmann discusses conceptually and empirically systems intelligence with respect to classical conceptualizations of intelligence and with respect to certain essential psychological themes. His first article studies systems intelligence as a trait and ability, investigating the connections of the construct to previous psychological intelligence literature. In his second contribution, Rauthmann develops a new systemic meta-model of personality. In his third essay, Rauthmann proposes a trait-SI scale for operationalizing the concept. Based on his original proposal, Rauthmann goes on to report what is the first empirical attempt to measure systems intelligence. In his methodologically innovative essay, Kalevi Kilkki creates a social systems map of systems intelligence by presenting and applying a novel web search engine methodology to the construct of systems intelligence. The result is a description of the connections of the notion of systems intelligence with concepts in other disciplines and with some leading scholars in those disciplines. This is followed by an essay by Otso Palonen with a discussion of learning from the perspective of systems intelligence. In their contribution, Ella Rönkkönen and Esa Saarinen take the bold step of applying chemical engineering to an analysis of the Broaden and Build Theory of positive emotions developed by Barbara Fredrickson, and then link Fredrickson’s insights with systems intelligence. Anne Birgitta Pessi uses systems intelligence to analyse volunteerism, presenting a fresh conceptualization of that domain. The final essay by Pia Tikka reflects cinema as an intersubjective neuroscientific experience. The concepts of embodied simulation and the 6 cinema author’s mental workspace simulatorium are discussed in their relation to systems intelligence.
  • Supporting diagnostics and decision making in healthcare by modular methods of computational linguistics
    (2016) Lahti, Lauri
    School of Science | A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
    We propose a new framework for development of modular computational methods to support processes of healthcare and health education in diverse settings. Motivated by an evaluation by The National Institute for Health and Welfare in Finland the proposed framework aims to address challenges of analyzing knowledge concerning healthcare services and patient records with computational linguistics. The framework aims to promote implementing personalized care in diagnostics, decision making, patient engagement and self-care. We describe some analysis methods of computational linguistics, natural language processing, statistics, algorithms and data mining. We have built a prototype program enabling representing and modifying health-related knowledge structures for purposes of prevention, diagnosis and care. For 25 most common diagnosis names we have identified dependencies of core symptom concepts in a conceptual co-occurrence network of 57 679 unique conceptual links about healthcare guidelines.
  • Parameterized Single-Exponential Time Polynomial Space Algorithm for Steiner Tree
    (2015) Fomin, Fedor V.; Kaski, Petteri; Lokshtanov, Daniel; Panolan, Fahad; Saurabh, Saket
    School of Science | A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
    "In the Steiner tree problem, we are given as input a connected n-vertex graph with edge weights in {1,2,...,W}, and a subset of k terminal vertices. Our task is to compute a minimum-weight tree that contains all the terminals. We give an algorithm for this problem with running time O(7.97^k n^4 log W) using O(n^3 log nW log k) space. This is the first single-exponential time, polynomial-space FPT algorithm for the weighted Steiner tree problem." PLEASE NOTE:This is an author-created version that the author has self-archived to the "Aaltodoc" (aaltodoc.aalto.fi) faculty-level repository at Aalto University. The final publication is available at link.springer.com via the link http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-47672-7_40
  • Supporting online health queries by modeling patterns of creation, modification and retrieval of medical knowledge
    (2016) Lahti, Lauri
    School of Science | A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
    We evaluated properties of knowledge resources that can be used for building new semantically and behaviorally motivated resources of health guidance and clinical decision making by modeling patterns of creation, modification and retrieval of medical knowledge. We evaluated statistical properties of Wikipedia articles of general terminology and medical terminology based on 25 most common diagnosis names emerging in an electronic health records system. We also evaluated statistical properties of general terminology used in everyday life in respect to occurrence and importance to enable adaptive perspectives to medical knowledge. Our experiments exploit a conceptual co-occurrence network that we created based on a set of 93 medical texts about healthcare guidelines provided by The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim containing 57 679 unique conceptual links. We provide supplementing statistics of an extended range of Wikipedia articles and an n-gram analysis about the set of medical texts.
  • We Need Numbers! - Heuristic Evaluation during Demonstrations (HED) for Measuring Usability in IT System Procurement
    (2016) Tyllinen, Mari; Kaipio, Johanna; Lääveri, Tinja; Nieminen, Marko H.T.
    School of Science | A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
    We introduce a new usability inspection method called HED (heuristic evaluation during demonstrations) for measuring and comparing usability of competing complex IT systems in public procurement. The method presented enhances traditional heuristic evaluation to include the use context, comprehensive view of the system, and reveals missing functionality by using user scenarios and demonstrations. HED also quantifies the results in a comparable way. We present findings from a real-life validation of the method in a large-scale procurement project of a healthcare and social welfare information system. We analyze and compare the performance of HED to other usability evaluation methods used in procurement. Based on the analysis HED can be used to evaluate the level of usability of an IT system during procurement correctly, comprehensively and efficiently.
  • Ultra-High Field MRI: Transition to Human 7 T in Finland - Workshop Memorandum
    (2016) Auranen, Toni; Carlson, Synnöve; Hämäläinen, Matti; Jousmäki, Veikko; Renvall, Ville; Salmelin, Riitta
    School of Science | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
    A workshop “Ultra-High Field MRI: Transition to Human 7 T in Finland” was organized at Aalto University on October 8–9, 2015. The organizers included Aalto University School of Science, Finnish Infrastructures for Functional Imaging (FIFI), Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI), Aalto Brain Centre (ABC), and Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering (NBE). The purpose of the workshop was to demonstrate scientific achievements and possibilities enabled by ultra-high field (UHF) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The meeting brought together a group of top-level scientists for two days to give presentations and immerse in discussions. This memorandum not only documents the meeting but also paves the way for making the first human 7 T scanner operational in Finland in the near future.
  • Semantic modeling of healthcare guidelines to support health literacy and patient engagement
    (2016) Lahti, Lauri
    School of Science | A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
    Developing new methods and solutions of personalized medicine can address manycurrent sosio-economical challenges both locally and globally. The investments made to supporthealth can help people to have an independent, productive and happy life. To motivate thedevelopment of new patient support tools we illustrate the need for better health literacy and patientengagement, some common frameworks for modeling medical knowledge and some ways tosupport patients with online health queries and shared decision making. Then we provide someexperimental results we have generated by semantic analysis about healthcare guidelines offered byThe Finnish Medical Society Duodecim containing 85 055 words so that we created a conceptualnetwork of 57 679 unique conceptual links traversed with 200 000 link steps. We suggest that ourapproach to semantic modeling of medical knowledge can be modularly applied to develop variedcomputational solutions for personalized medicine and health informatics.
  • Evaluation of semantic dependencies in a conceptual co-occurrence network of a medical vocabulary
    (2016) Lahti, Lauri
    School of Science | A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
    The amount of medical knowledge is constantly growing thus providing new hope for people having health-relatedproblems. However a challenge is to develop flexible methods to facilitate managing and interpretinglarge medical knowledge entities. There is a need to enhance health literacy by developing personalized healthsupport tools. Furthermore there is a need to assist decision-making with decision support tools. The recent andon-going changes in everyday life both on technological and societal levels (for example adoption of smartphones and personal mobile medical tracking devices, social networking, open source and open data initiatives,fast growth of accumulated medical data, need for new self-care solutions for aging European population)motivate to invest in the development of new computerized personalized methods for knowledge management ofmedical data for diagnosis and treatment. To enable creation of new adaptive personalized health support toolswe have carried out an evaluation of semantic dependencies in a conceptual co-occurrence network covering aset of concepts of a medical vocabulary with experimental results ranging up to 2994 unique nouns, 82814unique conceptual links and 200000 traversed link steps.
  • Proceedings of the ECMLPKDD 2015 Doctoral Consortium
    (2015) Hollmén, Jaakko (editor); Papapetrou, Panagiotis (editor)
    School of Science | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
    ECMLPKDD 2015 Doctoral Consortium was organized for the second time as part of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD), organised in Porto during September 7-11, 2015. The objective of the doctoral consortium is to provide an environment for students to exchange their ideas and experiences with peers in an interactive atmosphere and to get constructive feedback from senior researchers in machine learning, data mining, and related areas. These proceedings collect together and document all the contributions of the ECMLPKDD 2015 Doctoral Consortium.
  • Measurements of shot noise in single walled carbon nanotubes
    (2007) Wu, F.; Queipo, P.; Tsuneta, T.; Wang, T. H.; Kauppinen, E.; Hakonen, Pertti J.
    School of Science | A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
    We have measured shot noise in single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) at 4.2K over frequencies f = 600 – 850 MHz. Here we report results obtained on shot noise without DC bias by applying an AC modulation at ω0 and recording the noise variation at 2ω0: the Fano factor is obtained by extrapolating down to zero excitation amplitude. We also discuss the applicability of this method in samples which have strongly non‐linear IV characteristics like carbon nanotubes. The obtained results are compared with regular differential noise measurements where both DC and AC bias are employed.