[lic] Teknillinen korkeakoulu / TKK
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/103550
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Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(1971) Hosia, Matti - Osittain jännitetyt rakenteet käyttötilassa
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(1975) Panula, Liisa - Rahkaturvemaiden hydrauliset ominaisuudet
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2009) Kesäniemi, Outi - Uuden palkkausjärjestelmän perustelut ja kritiikki evankelis-luterilaisessa kirkossa - Institutionaalinen näkökulma palkkausjärjestelmäuudistukseen
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2009) Jämsén, Sini - Communication of Knowing: Public Communication in Two Global High-Technology Companies
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2009) Jaskari, Johanna - MicroGrid modelling and simulation
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2006) Faisal, Mohamed - Rakennusautomaatiojärjestelmän mahdollistamat palvelut kiinteistön ylläpidossa
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2008) Ihasalo, Heikki - Wireless communication and control co-simulation, implementation and modeling
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2008) Pohjola, Mikael - Supplier relationship management in networked project business
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2007) Eloranta, Kirsi - Development of satellite simulation model for fault detection design
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2007) Riihimäki, Pasi - Työmaiden tuotannonohjauksen ongelmat ja kehitystarpeet
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2009) Siikanen, Pekka - Monitoring physical and chemical changes on surfaces using scanning probe microscopy techniques
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2008) Telaranta, Roope - Polymer electrolyte fuel cell for the simultaneous energy and hydrogen peroxide production
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2008) Lobyntseva, Elena - Improving the quality of Scadinavian meat balls by replacing commercial breadcrumbs with oat
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2008) Lehto, Satu - Positroniannihilaatiolaitteiston kehitys biomateriaalien tutkimukseen
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2008) Sane, Petri - Biomechanics in shot put
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2007) Rahikainen, Ahti - Turbulenssimallinnuksesta teollisuusvirtauksissa
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2008) Pokela, Heikki - Propagation of electromagnetic Gaussian beams using Riemann-Finsler geometry
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2005) Dahl, Matias - Adjustment of affine equations in equilibrium analysis
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2005) Kitti, Mitri - Robotiikka painomuovauksessa
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(2006) Tuominen, Timo E.