Fatigue Crack Networks in Die-Attach Layers of IGBT Modules Under a Power Cycling Test

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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä





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IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 39, issue 12, pp. 16695-16707


The die-attach layer is a vulnerable structure that is important to the reliability of an insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) module. A new failure mechanism named fatigue crack network (FCN) has been identified in the central area of the IGBT modules' solder layer. In this article, to investigate the formation mechanism of the FCN, a fast power cycling test (PCT) (current on 0.2 s and current off 0.4 s) was designed and performed on a commercial IGBT module. Subsequently, scanning acoustic microscopy and X-ray imaging were used for nondestructive inspection of the defects of the solder layer. The cross section was based on the nondestructive inspection results. Then, electron backscattered diffraction analysis was carried out on both observed vertical and horizontal cracks. As a result, both networked vertical cracks at the center and horizontal cracks at the edge of the solder layer were detected. The recrystallization occurred during the PCT. The voids and cracks emerged at high-angle grain boundaries. A finite element simulation was performed to understand the driving force of FCN qualitatively. The stress simulation results indicate that under time-dependent multiaxial stress at the center of the solder, the defects nucleated, expanded, and connected vertically to form the FCNs.


Publisher Copyright: Authors


Heating systems, Inspection, Insulated gate bipolar transistors, Insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), Silicon, Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) solder, Stress, Temperature measurement, X-ray imaging, die-attach, fast power cycling test (PCT), fatigue crack network (FCN), Die-attach, insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)

Other note


Liu, S, Vuorinen, V, Liu, X, Fredrikson, O, Brand, S, Tiwary, N, Lutz, J & Paulasto-Krockel, M 2024, ' Fatigue Crack Networks in Die-Attach Layers of IGBT Modules Under a Power Cycling Test ', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 16695-16707 . https://doi.org/10.1109/TPEL.2024.3447909