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Accessibility Statement - Aaltodoc Publication Archive

Aaltodoc Publication Archive web address:

Aaltodoc digital publication archive consists of full text materials produced in the university, such as theses, journal articles, conference publications and research materials produced by the schools of Aalto University.

The service is subject to the law on the provision of digital services, which requires that public online services must be accessible.

We have assessed the accessibility of the service ourselves.

Accessibility status of the digital service

The Aaltodoc publication archive largely meets accessibility requirements. There are areas on the website that need improvement, including:

The Aaltodoc publication archive uses DSpace software. For more information about the usability of DSpace software, you can read the DSpace wiki:
DSpace User Interface Design principles & Accessibility

Non-accessible content

Disproportionate burden

The main content of the Aaltodoc publication archive consists of published PDF files. PDF files have been produced over an extended period by students, researchers, and staff using various versions of Adobe Acrobat and other software. In addition, older material that has not been published in electronic form has been digitized. PDF files have not been individually checked for accessibility.

Did you notice an accessibility issue on our site?

If you notice deficiencies related to accessibility on the site, you can provide feedback via email at:

We aim to respond to feedback within two weeks. We actively strive to address identified accessibility issues.

More information about accessibility at Aalto University

Accessibility statement – Aalto University

This statement was created on 20.11.2023.